Budget Travel Destinations for US Students

If you’re currently hard at work with your online MBA programs then you are likely ready for a break. Did you know there are all kinds of budget travel destinations that are perfect for US students? Yes even on your student budget you can still get away and take a break from your studies. Sometimes taking a quick holiday is all you need to re-focus and come back ready to give your all when it comes to your online MBA degree.


An Exotic Trip to South America

For those who want a taste of the exotic there are all kinds of excellent deals to be found in South America. Even if you just have one week available for holidays, you can still squeeze in a fabulous vacation. What’s great about South America is how much it offers in terms of activities. You can take part in eco adventure tours, cruises, day-trips, or just relax on the beach. It’s really up to you.

Countries where you can find deals include Costa Rica, Ecuador, Argentina, and Bolivia. If you’re on a really tight budget look for hostels or hotels that don’t have as many stars.

Europe in Off-Season

Europe is obviously a pretty pricey destination, but if you can go in the off-season (the winter months) then you can save yourself quite a bit of money. There are also some countries that are known for being more affordable such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Bulgaria, and Hungary. You can choose to stay in a hotel or hostel depending on how much you want to spend. Europe in the winter is meant for those who enjoy culture, adventure, and sight-seeing rather than hot weather and the beaches.


Escape to the Beaches of Dominican Republic

While adventure is fine and dandy, some people are just looking to relax on the beach and get a little sun. If that sounds more your speed then you’ll want to check out the many all-inclusive options in the Dominican Republic. Keep in mind some areas of the island are cheaper than others, such as Puerto Plata that is known for being attractive to students thanks to its affordable price tag. Since you are staying at an all-inclusive you won’t have to worry about incurring extra expenses on your trip, which makes it easier to budget.

The Mexican Sun Awaits

Another popular sun destination for US students is Mexico, and this has been the case for many years now. Who hasn’t heard of spring break in Cancun? Keep in mind Mexico has much more to offer than just Cancun, from its ancient Mayan ruins to its secluded and remote beaches and tiny villages that will have you stepping back into time. There are a variety of accommodation options to choose from including five star all-inclusive resorts, bed and breakfasts, chain hotels, and hostels.

Don’t Let Your Budget Stop You

There is no reason to let a tight student budget stop you from having fun and enjoying a great trip. With so many destinations to choose from, you’re bound to find one that appeals to you and your bank account.

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