Looking After Your Eyes Whilst Travelling

We all love a good holiday; whether it’s an international escape to the sun or just a weekend away in the countryside, there are few better ways to unwind than a break away from home. For some us however, an annual trip just isn’t enough – these are the people who pursue travelling as a passion, spending weeks or even months exploring foreign terrains all over the world.

There are numerous things you need to think about when you’re travelling, even if it’s a relatively short break. You need to think about insurance, vaccinations (where appropriate), getting time off work, packing, currency exchanges, informing your bank – and that’s not including the small matter of financing the trip.

With so much to worry about, you really don’t want to have to be concerned with your eyesight, particularly if you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses. In this post, we take a look at some simple ways of ensuring your eyes stay fit and healthy while you’re travelling, leaving you one less thing to worry about when you’re trying to enjoy your trip.


Travel with adequate spare lenses

If you wear prescription lenses, be it glasses or contacts, you need to make sure you take everything you might need for the entire duration of your trip. Contact lenses can take quite a bit of looking after, so be sure to pack enough solution – bear in mind you can only take 100ml liquid bottles in your hand luggage on most flights, so make sure you pack more in your main suitcases.

You should also take at least one pair of spare contact lenses and/or a spare pair of your prescription glasses. If you lose your lenses or break your glasses (more common that you might think, particularly on an active holiday) it can be a nightmare getting replacements in a foreign country, so be prepared.

Take a copy of your prescription

If you do manage to lose both your primary and spare lenses, then you will need to try and get replacements. This can be difficult in a foreign country, but it will at least be easier if you have a copy of your prescription with you.


Protect your eyes from the sun

Everyone takes sun cream on holiday with them, and you should put the same level of thought into protecting your eyes from the sun. Make sure you pack sunglasses (at least two pairs) with 100% UV protection and ideally, polarized lenses. If you wear glasses, consider spending a little extra and getting some prescription sunglasses too, as you’ll be protecting your eyes without compromising your vision.

Be sure to consider eye safety

People tend to be a little more adventurous on holiday, often taking part in activities they wouldn’t do at home. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, but whenever you’re taking part in a new activity (or even one you’re familiar with), you should consider taking basic eye safety precautions. Activities such as sport can be a major cause of eye injuries, and even simple things like getting ready for a night out can result in an unscheduled trip to the hospital (eyelash curlers are responsible for a surprisingly large number of eye injuries each year). Whatever you’re doing, be sure you know the best way to protect your eyes, whether that’s wearing appropriate eyewear or just being that little more cautious. If you need some more advice, check out this fantastic ebook on vision and your eyes from Shade Station.


Avoid eye infections

There’s a fairly good chance you’ll be in the water during your holiday, particularly if you’re heading off to somewhere hot and sunny. The bacteria present in water – whether it’s a pool, lake or the sea – can cause eye infections, which can ruin your trip. Make sure you remove your contact lenses before going swimming, and take advantage of swimming goggles to help keep your eyes protected. You can even get prescription swimming goggles if you need them.

Keep your eyes comfortable while travelling

If you’re heading off on a plane, bear in mind that the re-circulated air can dry the surface of your eyes, making them sore, itchy and uncomfortable. When you’re travelling it’s probably best to remove your contact lenses and wear prescription glasses instead, or even take eye drops with you to prevent your eyes feeling gritty and sore.

With just a little bit of prior thought and planning you can minimize the risk of any issues with your eyes or vision, leaving you free to enjoy your trip as you planned!

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