My Dream Holiday in France

France has long been on my list of destinations to visit, due largely to the amount of movies I watched growing up that showed me how France was one of the best countries to visit due to the history, culture, romance, and, of course, the wine.

My dream holiday in France would include getting a little lost. Of course I want to see Paris and spend days exploring the many museums, bakeries, chocolate shops and stores that make it so famous, but I also want to see parts of France that many tourists miss, such as the smaller towns and villages that are often overlooked. France Voyage has itineraries that you can choose from.

Cycling holidays are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer travellers the opportunity to see more of the countryside, explore more of each city and town, and eat as much bread and cheese as they like without piling on the holiday pounds since they’re exercising each day.


For my dream holiday in France, my first stop would be Paris, the City of Light. While a trip up the Eiffel Tower is a must, I also want to eat macaroons, have a picnic of bread, cheese and wine in the park, stroll through the Louvre and take photos of Notre Dame.

I figure anywhere from 5 to 7 days is enough for me to get my feet wet in Paris, do some shopping, do plenty of eating and maybe even enjoy the nightlife. From there I’d like to visit Nice, so I can lie on the beach in the Mediterranean and people watch the rich and famous.

Nice is the type of place where you can truly relax and meet people from around the world, and there are some excellent hikes available, along with things to do like visiting the Promenade des Anglais at night to see live music and street performers and dining at some of the famous restaurants here.


Next up would be Bourdeaux. While I used to only drink white wine, my tastes have changed as I’ve gotten older and now I prefer red- something that makes Bourdeaux the perfect place to visit. I’ll be saving some money so I can go visit some of the many vineyards here and learn how wine is made while getting to taste plenty of different types of wine. I’d also like to visit the historical part of Bourdeaux which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and explore a few of the many museums here.

No trip to France would be complete without visiting Marseille, which is unfortunately often overlooked in favour of the larger and more popular Paris. But Marseille sees fewer tourists and so has plenty of the things that makes Paris so great, without the crowds.

I love seafood, so I would definitely visit Le Vieux Port where the fishermen do their trade and pick some up yourself or have it cooked perfectly at one of the many restaurants.

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