The best way to get about is by car however motorists that are planning on taking a long journey should be aware of distractions that they may come across and how to easily avoid them to have a full concentration of the road ahead.
It is not uncommon to be multi-tasking whilst driving however this carries risks as we are not fully focused on the road. The main causes of distraction whilst driving include using your mobile phone, eating or drinking, driving under the influence, child passengers and adjusting your radio. These distractions can be extremely dangerous as they can result in accidents that could be life threatening.
Kwik Fit has designed an interactive game to put into perspective how easy it is to become distracted whilst behind the wheel. Taking the test can help you understand how quickly it takes you to respond.
Here are a few tips on how to stay focused whilst on a long road trip.
It is illegal to hold a phone whilst driving however it can be used if you are using it hands-free. If you are caught using your mobile phone, not on the hands-free setting then you can get 6 penalty points and a £200 fine. Even though it is not illegal to use your mobile hands-free the best way to stay fully focused on the road is by setting your mobile to the ‘do not disturb’ mode. This temporarily stops any calls or messages being received to your phone so there are no distractions whilst driving.
Eating and drinking whilst driving can be distracting as the food needs to be unwrapped which results in the driver’s eyes being diverted from the road. Also, any spillages, especially from hot beverages, can instantly lead the driver to become distracted on the road.
Take regular breaks
It is always best to take regular breaks when on a long road journey to keep a good level of concentration. Even if it is just a quick 5 minute stop to grab some water and stretch your legs it is always best to keep your mind focused so taking regular breaks whether that be long or short can help do so.
Keep younger child occupied
Long car journeys can make younger passengers feel irritable and bored so to keep the drive peaceful it is important to bring ways to keep your children entertained such as toys that don’t take too much space in the car, playing music that can be enjoyable for the entire ride and finally take advantage of electronic gadgets such as ipads where children can play on games or watch videos.
It is essential before we start a long car journey that we keep in mind the many different distractions that may present themselves whilst we are driving. It is also crucial we have a plan of how to not let them sway our concentration.