Running a business comes with a whole host of responsibilities that many people don’t think about. Things like obtaining various licenses and tax numbers, for example, are important parts of the process that cannot be skipped. With this in mind, you might be wondering how exactly you can obtain a California EIN number in order to file your taxes and open up things like a business bank account. An employer identification number (EIN) is an important number that works like the social security number of your business. With today’s advancements in technology, you can apply for this number online and even check EIN status throughout the process.
How can I check my EIN status?
When you apply for a federal tax ID online, you can easily check EIN status any time you need to! That is because the entire process, from filling out the application to receiving your number, is completed online. You fill out the application to request a California EIN number and then wait until your application is approved. You can check EIN status at any point.
Does the process take a long time?
Luckily, you will not have to wait very long between submitting your application and receiving your EIN. In fact, you will usually receive this number within a business day or two after your application is completed, which means that you won’t be waiting long even if you are in a rush. Once you receive your EIN, you can immediately begin to use it and move on with your business and your life. Whether you are looking to open up a business account with your bank or simply need to file your taxes, obtaining an EIN is a simple and quick process.
When you need your EIN faster and would like the option to check EIN status online, then using IRS-EIN to help complete the application process is the way to go!