Bored this weekend? Here are some ways to stay entertained

I don’t know about you, but I continually look forward to the weekend, only to sink into boredom by Saturday afternoon. If this sounds like your weekends, here are some ways you can keep boredom at bay this weekend:


Travelling doesn’t have to mean getting on a plane. If you’ve got a car, you can easily take a short road trip somewhere you haven’t been and explore a new town or city. Look online for some fun things to do, and take a few friends with you to make it even more interesting. You can even be a tourist in your own town- get tickets to a show you haven’t seen, or go to the museums or other tourist sights.

Win money

We all love money, but there are few things better than winning money right from your own couch. Check out for fun online games that will keep you entertained for hours- and the chance to win big.

Get fit

The summer weather is officially here, which means fewer clothes and more time outside. If a long winter left you somewhat… fluffier than usual, this weekend is the perfect time to finally start working on your summer body.

If you haven’t worked out for a while, why not see what kind of gyms and fitness classes you have available? Or sign up for a new fitness app, look for free workout videos on YouTube, or get outside in the fresh air and go for a run. Not only is this great for your body, but working out is excellent for your mental health as well.

Of course, we all know that abs are made in the kitchen. That’s why it’s key to get your diet in tip-top shape as well. Consider using a few hours of your weekend to meal prep for the following week. You’ll thank yourself when you have healthy meals ready to eat for lunch and dinner.


Most of us are a lot less social in the cooler months, so you may find that you have a number of friends and family members who you haven’t seen for a while. Make this weekend the time you finally catch up and see what’s going on in their lives. Arrange to meet a group of friends at a bar or restaurant, or grab coffee individually with a few people you’ve been meaning to hang out with.

What are you up to this weekend? Leave some comments below and let me know.

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