Traveling with kids? Here are some tips to reduce the stress

Traveling with kid allows us to see the world through new eyes. They find the little things incredible, which can help us get more out of every trip. Not to mention, travel broadens the minds and helps your kids get used to a variety of different people and situations.

Of course, traveling with kids is no picnic. Unlike traveling solo or with just one partner, you’ll have to constantly be on guard against tantrums and blown-out diapers.

While your years of traveling prior to kids may have involved waltzing onto the plane, taking your seat, and immediately falling asleep, kids are a game changer.

However, traveling with kids doesn’t have to be stressful. By preparing in advance, you can increase your chances of smooth sailing and make sure the whole family returns home feeling relaxed.

Here are some top tips for traveling with kids:

Start small

If you haven’t yet traveled as a family, a long trip to another continent may not be the best choice. Instead, start small with road trips, camping trips, or go on a family walking holiday to ensure the kids get plenty of exercise and sleep well that night. You can take them on a staycation and explore what your state has to offer. For Coloradans or those near rivers, try taking your kids on an exciting adventure like rafting the Arkansas River. Then, you can gradually work your way up to short flights within your home country, and finally, that long-haul adventure you’ve always dreamed of.

Be prepared

We’ve all seen it before- the parents who get on a plane with whining kids, and are completely unprepared, with no snacks or toys to keep them entertained. Whether you’re taking a three-hour road trip, or an eight-hour flight, the same rules apply- always be prepared. That means packing favorite toys and stuffed animals, books, and headphones, and downloading some kid-friendly games and shows onto your phone or iPad. Don’t forget their favorite snacks, along with extra clothes, wipes, and maybe even a new toy or two.

Not only is this going to keep your kids quiet, happy, and entertained, but your stress levels will massively decrease when you know you’re completely prepared for the trip ahead.

Do your research

Some destinations and hotels are simply more kid-friendly than others. For example, Orlando is guaranteed fun for the whole family, while you may want to save Paris for when you finally get around to taking that second honeymoon.

These days, there are few places that are entirely a bad choice for kids, but it’s a good idea to do your research in advance and look for destinations with lots of kid-friendly attractions like theme parks, children’s’ museums, and family-friendly restaurants.

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